How it started

We like running a lot, running in circles, mountains, tarmac, sand, swamps, running in snow, in rain, in heat, in storms, in all seasons and especially all for our own reasons. All of us participated in many fantastic races, whereby you mostly are pampered with good food, friendly and enthusiastic volunteers, medical teams, dry and warm checkpoints and sometimes even beds! In order to keep all of us focused on the things that matter in life, we’ve created a next level of ultrarunning.

The ‘All Time Great Adventures’ is an ongoing series of ultrarunning projects created for the ones who seek for more adventure than the mainstream long-distance events where everything is organized and decided for you; before and during a race. Even the date, which often doesn’t meet our busy schedules is set by others.

The only thing decided by us is the distance, the route and the cutoff time. You decide when and with whom to run. Some like to run in harsh winter, some in the mild summers, some at night and some only during daylight, some like to run as lone wolves or some with friends and some off the rader. It’s all up to you!

Experience utrarunning in its purest form! Accepting no limits and pushing the boundaries of what you and others have never thought possible to overcome and to achieve… mental as well as physical.

There are no heroic start and finish ceremonies and this kind of ultra-adventures is how we think it should be. Sometimes you just finish and you will only find yourself at the finishline. Low profile and semi-underground. You run for your own reasons and succeeding and overcoming whatever discomfort or unforeseen situation you run into is what gives you your satisfaction and creates memories and friends for life.

The concept

All projects have a story to it and have their own characteristics and take you to the often remote places you have probably never been before.

The idea is that when you’ve completed one of them within the time limit as mentioned in the sheet at the bottom of this page your name will be added. Registering names and finish times started just before Corona hit the world.

When completed a project send us your proof of completion (Garmin, Suunto, Legends Tracking or whatever tracking) and your name and time will be added to the list. Every now and then a new project is added and once your name is added it will not expire at any moment.

In case you complete a project multiple times only your last finished attempt will be added to the list.

These projects are a collaboration between Acceptnolimits.eu and Pfadsucher.com and a few ultrarunners who are part of the fellowship contributing to the projects.

The Projects

At the moment 17 projects with 2.948 km in total are already available and 57 participants have 146 completions so far summing up 26.485 km in total. Updated 03-10-2024.

Deadly Shadows – 194 km

Marvelous Müllertal – 161 km

Fortified Exposure – 86 km

Forgotten Eras – 71 km

Resurrection of the Insane – 52 km

Kalmthoutse Kalmte – 50 km

Breda Buiten – 50 km

Voornse Duinen Trail – 50 km

Permafrost Ultra – 171 km

The 2021 Titanic Slam

Duinhopper – 220 km

LEO – 210 km

Iceberg – 160 km

KATE – 205 km

The 2022 Marvel Slam

Dark World – 160 km

Mystique – 200 km

Nightcrawler – 200 km

Wolverine – 200 km

The 2024/2025 Lord of the Rings Slam (LOTR Slam)

Dead Marshes – 208 km
(entrance project to unlock the next level)

 Misty Mountains over the Redhorn Pass – 160 km
(to be unlocked in 2025 after completion of Dead Marshes in 2024)

The Shadow of the Past – 160 km
(to be unlocked in 2025 after completion of Dead Marshes in 2024)

The Tale of Years of the Third Age – 223 km
(to be unlocked in 2025 after completion of Dead Marshes in 2024)

Battle of the Black Gate – 50 km
(to be unlocked after completion of the previous four routes)

Registered completion of projects
