Lord of The Rings Slam 2025

The sequel continues… after the Titanic slam in 2021 and the Marvel Slam in 2022 we announce the next slam for 2025 which covers a total distance of 801 km.

Pfadsucher and Acceptnolimits have joined their forces once again to create a third unique and challenging series of events and proudly present:

The Lord of the Rings Slam

Again, there will be iconic routes to be completed within one year. In order to participate there will be an entrance assignment in 2024. After completion you will be provided with the necessary information for your quest to Mordor.

Finishing the three tracks will then unlock a smaller but adventurous fourth route where you have to take a selfie at the fires of Mordor. Same as with the previous slams, each route needs to be completed within 48 hours.

All of the tracks should be recorded with a tracker from Legends Tracking (contact Tim de Vriendt for this) or a proof of completion from your Garmin Connect or Strava. Most of the current participants own their own personal https://www.legendstracking.com tracker. Always good to have one… you are able to upload your own GPX files, it is easier for support to follow you and is of course safer.

Send your proof to slam@acceptnolimits.eu

Facebook group where you can communicate with your fellow travelers.
Keep an eye on this group and feel free to share whatever you want regarding the slam. In case of changes to the routes due to whatever reason it will be posted here as well.


If you want to participate enter your name on the Participants list and add an alias.

Entrance assignment for the Slam link here

Entrance fee – The entry challenge is completely free – the fee for the Slam in 2025 will be 40€. This money is to strengthen the determination to finish and is used to buy finishers a small present and will be evenly distributed amongst the finishers. Same as with the Marvel Slam it is of course non-profit and only to attract runners who are serious about completing the slam.

The GPX tracks

Bron ISBN 90 274 1040 2
(Tolkien Lexicon)