Today I had a little conversation with my younger brother… not much younger…
If we assume an average lifespan of 75 years… giving us 3.900 weeks (75 years x 52 weeks per year). A third of that time, around 1.300 weeks, will likely be spent sleeping. Another third, or roughly 1.300 weeks, will go toward working. That leaves about 1.300 weeks to do everything else… from hobbies, family time and all the experiences that make life meaningful and exciting.
So, what’s your excuse for just spending your precious time scrolling thru endless Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and whatever timelines just watching others doing great things (or often just pretending) and creating their memories to be told when they’re old. People who mostly don’t even know who you are.
Get out there and create your own memories and stories to tell… create your own endless timeline others can scroll thru 😉
Create your own calendar of life and fill in the blanks that are left… each square is a week…
Have a great weekend 😉